Gestalt Practice

Gestalt Practice is a non-analytic, nonjudgmental form derived from the work of Fritz Perls and informed by Gestalt Awareness Practice (GAP) as evolved by Richard and Christine Price. "This work integrates ways of personal clearing and development that are both ancient and modern. Developing a greater quality of awareness is the primary focus. GAP is best viewed as a sport and an art, as well as a form of spiritual practice. Developing a greater capacity to be present in our lives is the motivation, and working with whatever arises is the means for that development. Therefore, the process is aimed at inquiry and discovery rather than problem solving. The emphasis is primarily intra-personal, centering on the student’s relationship to his or her own experience. Attention to breathing and physical sensation is a key component of the practice. People come as students, not as patients. My function is to support, reflect and facilitate contact with whatever arises. Within this context, students may contact sensation and emotion, explore life situations and behavioral patterns or practice self-expression and communication. Investigating dreams is a very engaging part of this approach. Throughout, the motivation is developing a quality of awareness, moment to moment, and the ability to be present.”

Christine Price, Tribal Ground